- 需要讀取精確的時間使用 System.currentTimeMillis()
- 需要比較時間差異使用 System.nanoTime()
- 需要等待系統回應(e.g. wait/sleep),設定時間別小於10 milliseconds
Dec 6, 2011
Inside the Hotspot VM: Clocks, Timers and Scheduling Events - Part I - Windows 說明作業系統在讀取時間與時間event(schedule/trigger)的限制,因此從java api取得的 nanosecond 的數值並不精確,越高的解析度(nanoseconds > microseconds > milliseconds)精確度越低,文中也提供了些使用上的建議。
Nov 21, 2011
Memcached vs Redis vs MongoDB vs MySQL 效能比較
"記憶體是新一代的硬碟"在高流量網站內已是稀鬆平常的事情,像是採用 Memcached 做分散式快取服務即是典型的應用模式,Memcached 使用概念簡單且相關應用情境、文件、工具、演算法都已相當成熟,許多知名網站都運用 Memcached 提升scalability,像是GAE、Heroku 等PaaS 環境也有提供 Memcached 的收費服務,這些市場訊息已說明大規模的使用記憶體是可以合乎成本效益的。
Redis 是近年隨著 NoSQL 熱潮出現的 Key-Value store,其功能涵蓋了 Memcached 並且提供許多高階功能,在許多應用情境下相較 Memcached,能降低開發與營運複雜度,比如:
但效能是否能與 Memcached 匹敵呢?以下透過大量的 get/set 操作做簡單的比較,並且加入MySQL與MonogoDB 做為參考
Redis 是近年隨著 NoSQL 熱潮出現的 Key-Value store,其功能涵蓋了 Memcached 並且提供許多高階功能,在許多應用情境下相較 Memcached,能降低開發與營運複雜度,比如:
- 豐富的資料結構(strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets) 更易於設計適當的資料粒度增進資料重用的機會,且可依不同的資料結構特性在redis server上做組合與計算,降低開發上的複雜度與資料傳輸
- 永續保存功能可充當簡易的資料庫降低重覆資料的一致性問題或一些特殊應用,像是當系統當機後能快速回復快取資料,避免大量重建的衝擊
- 資料覆寫功能 提升讀取效能,提升 availability
- 2.6版本可以寫script (lua)
- 3.0版本預期還會加上Cluster做HA與Balancing有些data grid的樣子
但效能是否能與 Memcached 匹敵呢?以下透過大量的 get/set 操作做簡單的比較,並且加入MySQL與MonogoDB 做為參考
Feb 17, 2009
Subscription TV programs from Yahoo Pipe
Are you always missing TV programs or checking menu each day, so I create a pipe using Yahoo Pipe that can help you comfortable get TV programs timetable by RSS.
The pipe just support 200 item maximal.
The date range within five day.
1.Open Browser and jump to the pipe.
2.Enter keyword of TV program in the textbox after them click Run Pipe.
3. Right click Get as RSS , select Copy Link Location.
4.Jump to xFruits and then sign up a account by yourself.
5. I would like to get notifications by Mail so that click RSS to Mail and then fill the form.
6.Well, You will get mail very soon.
Pipes: Rewire the web
xFruits - Compose your information system
Yahoo! Pipes Tutorial - An example using the Fetch Page module to make a web scraper
電視時刻 - Yahoo!奇摩電影
The Regex Coach - interactive regular expressions
Java Regular Expression的學習筆記
The pipe just support 200 item maximal.
The date range within five day.
1.Open Browser and jump to the pipe.
2.Enter keyword of TV program in the textbox after them click Run Pipe.
3. Right click Get as RSS , select Copy Link Location.
4.Jump to xFruits and then sign up a account by yourself.
5. I would like to get notifications by Mail so that click RSS to Mail and then fill the form.
6.Well, You will get mail very soon.
Pipes: Rewire the web
xFruits - Compose your information system
Yahoo! Pipes Tutorial - An example using the Fetch Page module to make a web scraper
電視時刻 - Yahoo!奇摩電影
The Regex Coach - interactive regular expressions
Java Regular Expression的學習筆記
Feb 4, 2009
How to create kmz with picture icon
1. Take pictures and star GPS logger
2. Write geo-information to pictures(To reference posted article:GPS 記錄器、相簿、工具、節點編輯...)
3. Launch Friendly Flicker
4.open a text file and put into below text and save to doc.kml(UTF8 format)
5. click tab “選項”then select all options.
6.Select “清單顯示”that faster than icon mode.
7. Input search conditions then click “搜尋相片.
8.While all of picture information loaded. right click on list and select "選擇全部相片”
9.Copy below text then put into firendly flickr.
10.Click tab 進階模版 and 啟動
11.Click “複製到剪貼簿”(the friendly fickr will get picture information form web site and apply the template before put inside.)
※Because the FF do not supprt photo id parameter , so that use url to generate id. after step replace surplus urls.
12.Replace the picture id. copy below option to replace dialog. and select Regular Expressions and select option Perl
14.compress to zip file and rename the extension to *.kmz
15.After that you can place in internet such as google page to share anyone.
16.This site can validator your kmz.
Demo … Google Map
Save the kmz link to My Map that will show pictures by postition when you move .
Double click *.kmz … Google Earth
2. Write geo-information to pictures(To reference posted article:GPS 記錄器、相簿、工具、節點編輯...)
3. Launch Friendly Flicker
4.open a text file and put into below text and save to doc.kml(UTF8 format)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1"> <Document> <name>Recent Uploads with geodata</name> <open>1</open> </Document> </kml>
5. click tab “選項”then select all options.
6.Select “清單顯示”that faster than icon mode.
7. Input search conditions then click “搜尋相片.
8.While all of picture information loaded. right click on list and select "選擇全部相片”
9.Copy below text then put into firendly flickr.
<style id="normal/photo/{url}"><br /> <labelstyle><br /> <color>00ffffff</color><br /> <scale>1</scale><br /> </labelstyle><br /> <iconstyle><br /> <scale>2</scale><br /> <hotspot x="0.5" y="0.5" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"><br /> <icon><br /> <href>{image_st}</href><br /> </icon><br /> </iconstyle><br /> </style> <style id="highlight/photo/{url}"><br /> <labelstyle><br /> <color>ffffffff</color><br /> <scale>1</scale><br /> </labelstyle><br /> <iconstyle><br /> <scale>2</scale><br /> <hotspot x="0.5" y="0.5" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"><br /> <icon><br /> <href>{image_st}</href><br /> </icon><br /> </iconstyle><br /> </style> <stylemap id="styleMap/photo/{url}"> <pair> <key>normal</key> <styleurl>#normal/photo/{url}</styleurl> </pair> <pair> <key>highlight</key> <styleurl>#highlight/photo/{url}</styleurl> </pair> </stylemap> <placemark> <styleurl>#styleMap/photo/{url}</styleurl> <name>{title}</name> <snippet maxlines="4"> </snippet> <description> <!--[CDATA[ <a href="{url}"><img src="{image_s}" /></a><br /><br /> <b>Title:</b>{title}<br /><br /> <b>Descript:</b><br />{descript}<br /><br /> <b>Date time:</b>{date_time}<br /><br /> <b>Model:</b>{model}<br /><br /> <b>Tags:</b>{tag1},{tag2},{tag3} ...<br /><br /> <a href="{url}">Open photo page</a><br /> <br /><br /> ]]--> </description> <point> <coordinates>{longitude},{latitude}</coordinates> </point> </placemark>
10.Click tab 進階模版 and 啟動
11.Click “複製到剪貼簿”(the friendly fickr will get picture information form web site and apply the template before put inside.)
※Because the FF do not supprt photo id parameter , so that use url to generate id. after step replace surplus urls.
12.Replace the picture id. copy below option to replace dialog. and select Regular Expressions and select option Perl
photo/http://www.flickr.com/photos/(.*?)/(.*?)/ photo/\2
14.compress to zip file and rename the extension to *.kmz
15.After that you can place in internet such as google page to share anyone.
16.This site can validator your kmz.
Demo … Google Map
Save the kmz link to My Map that will show pictures by postition when you move .
Double click *.kmz … Google Earth
ubuntu configuration memo
Install gcin and liu
Launch System > Preferences > Sound > gcin Setup
click Setting for gtab input methods then unselect Auto-send when keycodes are filled
relogin x-window
Disable alert sound
System > Preferences > Sound > Soulds Tab
unselect “play alert sound”
Install stardic
Add firefox search plugin(/usr/lib/firefox-3.0.5/searchplugins)
Install windows applications
Download the wine-door package from the link after that follow below commands to install
Install pdf-XChange right click on PDFXVwer.exe and select Open With Wine Windows Program Loader (This tool is useful to highlight and comment in pdf file)
Install IE6 just access link and fellow the instructions
Configuration Pidgin
right click on pidgin icon and select Blink on New Message. Again, click plugins and select below plugins.
Enter Local alise and select New mail notifications
Install chm reader
Issue: the default font size is small
Download the font-patch from the link after that follow below commands to apply.
Install Google gadget
Download the package from the link after that follow below commands to install.
sudo dpkg -i google-gadgets_0.9.3-0~getdeb1_i386.deb
Launch Applications > Accessories > Google Gadget (GTK)
Install Notes.
Download IBM Lotus Notes 8.5 Client for Linux (Debian Install) from IBM after that follow below commands to install.
Download JDK from Sun after that follow below commands to install.
Download Netbean from link after that follow below commands to install.
Add new Launcher in deskop
Install Mail-Notification and enable SSL. (package)
(Reference : http://glyphobet.net/blog/essay/286)
sudo apt-get install gcin tar -zxf liu_gcin120.tar.gz sudo ./liu_gcin120/install.sh gedit ~/.gnomerc #gcin environment export GTK_IM_MODULE=gcin export XMODIFIERS="@im=gcin" gcin &
Launch System > Preferences > Sound > gcin Setup
click Setting for gtab input methods then unselect Auto-send when keycodes are filled
relogin x-window
Disable alert sound
System > Preferences > Sound > Soulds Tab
unselect “play alert sound”
Install stardic
sudo apt-get install stardict
Add firefox search plugin(/usr/lib/firefox-3.0.5/searchplugins)
Install windows applications
sudo apt-get install wine
Download the wine-door package from the link after that follow below commands to install
sudo dpkg -i wine-doors_0.1.2_all.deb
Install pdf-XChange right click on PDFXVwer.exe and select Open With Wine Windows Program Loader (This tool is useful to highlight and comment in pdf file)
Install IE6 just access link and fellow the instructions
Configuration Pidgin
right click on pidgin icon and select Blink on New Message. Again, click plugins and select below plugins.
- History
- Offline Mesasge Emulation
- Message Notification
Notify For
■ IM Windows
■ Chat windows
Enter Local alise and select New mail notifications
Install chm reader
sudo apt-get install gnochm
Issue: the default font size is small
Download the font-patch from the link after that follow below commands to apply.
sudo patch -b /usr/bin/gnochm < gnochm-fontsize.patch
Install Google gadget
Download the package from the link after that follow below commands to install.
sudo dpkg -i google-gadgets_0.9.3-0~getdeb1_i386.deb
Launch Applications > Accessories > Google Gadget (GTK)
Install Notes.
Download IBM Lotus Notes 8.5 Client for Linux (Debian Install) from IBM after that follow below commands to install.
mkdir notes tar -xf '/home/brandon/Desktop/notes85_notes_linux_deb_beta2_prod.tar' -C notes sudo dpkg -i notes/ibm_lotus_notes-8.5.i586.deb /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/notesInstall JDK with Netbean / Eclipse
Download JDK from Sun after that follow below commands to install.
chmod u+x jdk-6u11-linux-i586.bin ./jdk-6u11-linux-i586.bin gedit /home/brandon/.bashrc export $JAVA_HOME=/home/brandon/jdk1.6.0_11 export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
Download Netbean from link after that follow below commands to install.
sudo '/media/Brandon'\''s HDD/untitled folder/netbeans-6.5-ml-java-linux.sh' --javahome $JAVA_HOMEDownload Eclipse from link after that follow below commands to install.
sudo tar -zxvf eclipse-jee-ganymede-SR1-linux-gtk.tar.gz -C /opt/ gedit ~/.gnomerc #JAVA Environment export JAVA_HOME=/home/brandon/jdk1.6.0_11 export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
Add new Launcher in deskop
Install Mail-Notification and enable SSL. (package)
(Reference : http://glyphobet.net/blog/essay/286)
sudo dpkg -i mail-notification_5.4.dfsg.1-1build1.deb
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