Feb 4, 2009

ubuntu configuration memo

Install gcin and liu

sudo apt-get install gcin
tar -zxf liu_gcin120.tar.gz
sudo ./liu_gcin120/install.sh
gedit ~/.gnomerc

#gcin environment

export GTK_IM_MODULE=gcin
export XMODIFIERS="@im=gcin"

gcin &


Launch System > Preferences > Sound > gcin Setup
click Setting for gtab input methods then unselect Auto-send when keycodes are filled
relogin x-window
Disable alert sound
System > Preferences > Sound > Soulds Tab
unselect “play alert sound”
Install stardic
sudo apt-get install stardict

Add firefox search plugin(/usr/lib/firefox-3.0.5/searchplugins)
Install windows applications
sudo apt-get install wine

Download the wine-door package from the link after that follow below commands to install
sudo dpkg -i wine-doors_0.1.2_all.deb

Install pdf-XChange right click on PDFXVwer.exe and select Open With Wine Windows Program Loader (This tool is useful to highlight and comment in pdf file)
Install IE6 just access link and fellow the instructions
Configuration Pidgin
right click on pidgin icon and select Blink on New Message. Again, click plugins and select below plugins.
  • History
  • Offline Mesasge Emulation
  • Message Notification
    Notify For
    ■ IM Windows
    ■ Chat windows
Accouns > select account which you are using > Modify
Enter Local alise and select New mail notifications

Install chm reader
sudo apt-get install gnochm

Issue: the default font size is small
Download the font-patch from the link after that follow below commands to apply.
sudo patch -b /usr/bin/gnochm < gnochm-fontsize.patch

Install Google gadget
Download the package from the link after that follow below commands to install.
sudo dpkg -i google-gadgets_0.9.3-0~getdeb1_i386.deb
Launch Applications > Accessories > Google Gadget (GTK)
Install Notes.
Download IBM Lotus Notes 8.5 Client for Linux (Debian Install) from IBM after that follow below commands to install.

mkdir notes
tar -xf '/home/brandon/Desktop/notes85_notes_linux_deb_beta2_prod.tar' -C notes
sudo dpkg -i notes/ibm_lotus_notes-8.5.i586.deb
Install JDK with Netbean / Eclipse
Download JDK from Sun after that follow below commands to install.
chmod u+x jdk-6u11-linux-i586.bin
gedit /home/brandon/.bashrc
export $JAVA_HOME=/home/brandon/jdk1.6.0_11
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

Download Netbean from link after that follow below commands to install.
sudo '/media/Brandon'\''s HDD/untitled folder/netbeans-6.5-ml-java-linux.sh' --javahome $JAVA_HOME
Download Eclipse from link after that follow below commands to install.
sudo tar -zxvf eclipse-jee-ganymede-SR1-linux-gtk.tar.gz -C /opt/
gedit ~/.gnomerc

#JAVA Environment
export JAVA_HOME=/home/brandon/jdk1.6.0_11
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin 


Add new Launcher in deskop
Install Mail-Notification and enable SSL. (package)
(Reference : http://glyphobet.net/blog/essay/286)
sudo dpkg -i mail-notification_5.4.dfsg.1-1build1.deb

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